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Frequently Asked Questons

What is a Pediatric Dentist

What age should my child see the dentist?

When Will My Child Lose a Tooth?

Brushing with Braces

Sippy Cups

Baby Teeth and Grinding

Can My Baby Use Orajel for Teething Pain?

At What Age Should My Child Use Fluoridated Toothpaste?

5 Ways to Prepare Your Child for the First Dental Visit

Help! My Child Broke His Front Tooth

Help! My Child Bumped Their Tooth

What is a Dental Cavity

What is conscious sedation?

What is Infant Tongue Tie?

What is Dental Fluorosis?

What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Help! My Child Ate Toothpaste!

What is Fluoride?

When Will My Baby’s Teeth Come In?

Can I Protect My Child’s Teeth Before They Are Born?

How Do I Floss My Child’s Teeth?

Why Do I Need to Floss?

When Should I Start Brushing My Child’s Teeth?

Why Do I Need to Brush My Child’s Teeth?

Why are baby teeth important?

Does my child need X-Rays?

What can I do about my child's toothache?

What are sealants, fillings, and crowns?

What should be done about a cut or bitten tongue, lip, or cheek?

Our son has fractured his tooth. What do you suggest?

When should my child wear a mouth guard?

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